General terms and conditions of the promotion

General terms and conditions of the promotion with a prize organized and conducted by Kalos Estates in the period from 14.02.2024 - 31.05.2024


Article 1 (1) The promotion is organized and conducted by Kalos Estates OOD, EIK 207335601 with headquarters and address of business management: Sofia 1407, Triaditsa district, gh. Krastova vada, "Gen Ivan Kolev" street No. 14B, floor 5, apartment 501.

 (2) The organizer is responsible for the organization and conduct of the promotion in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions.

(3) In the event of damage occurring during the promotion due to the organizer's fault, the organizer is only responsible for those damages caused by him in the form of fault: intent and gross negligence.

(4) The organizer is not responsible for subjective interpretation of these General Terms and Conditions by participants in the promotion, which interpretation is inconsistent and/or contrary to the clauses of these General Terms and Conditions.

Article 2 The period in which the promotion is organized and carried out begins on 14.02.2024 and will continue until 23:59 on 31.05.2024. During this period, any natural person who meets the requirements and fulfills the conditions of the present General terms and conditions is considered a participant.

Article 3 The promotion is promoted on the Kalos Estates website and Facebook page:

Article 4 Information about the promotion, as well as these General Terms and Conditions, will be published on the organizer's website and website and will be available throughout the duration of the promotion.


Article 5 (1) When organizing and running this promotion, the organizer will provide all winners with a voucher for a weekend for two at the King's Valley Spa Hotel, Kazanlak or another.

(2) All participants who meet the conditions for participation will receive the prize. 

Article 6 It is the responsibility of the participants to confirm the appropriate dates for the use of the won voucher with a representative of the King's Valley Spa Hotel or otherwise.


Article 7 The right to participate in the promotion is available to any natural person of full legal age who, in the period: 14.02.2024 - 31.05.2024, has signed a purchase or sale brokerage contract with Kalos Estates OOD for a minimum value of 150,000 euros.

Article 8  Employees and workers of Kalos Estates OOD are not allowed to participate in the promotion.

Article 9 The organizer has the right, without warning, to exclude from participation in the promotion a participant who has violated or does not meet the requirements of these General Terms and Conditions.

Article 10 Any natural person of full legal capacity with a purchase or sale mediation contract signed within the mentioned period, after which a transaction has been completed, regardless of when it took place, is considered a winner. 


Article 11 Every Any natural person of full legal capacity who, in the period: 14.02.2024 - 31.05.2024, has signed a brokerage contract for purchase or sale with Kalos Estates OOD, is considered an automatically registered participant.


Article 12 The winning participants will receive their prize after a completed transaction with a signed purchase or sale brokerage agreement with Kalos Estates.

Article 13 Each winning participant bears personal responsibility for the use of the winning voucher. 

Article 14  The winning participants have no right to provide or sell their prize to third parties. 


Article 15 For conducting the promotion, the organizer will collect, process, use and store personal data of the participants in accordance with the Rules for the collection, processing, use and storage of personal data in a raffle organized by Kalos Estates OOD, EIK 207335601, in the period from 14.02.2024 - 31.05.2024, published on the organizer's website:

(2) Every person who meets the conditions for participation and takes part in the game gives his consent to the data he provided being processed for marketing purposes by Kalos Estates OOD.

(3) Additional information regarding the collection, processing, use and storage of personal data can be obtained from any participant in the promotion by submitting an application, signed with an electronic signature, to the following e-mail address of the administrator:


1. The organizer of the promotion is not responsible for inaccurate or wrong information submitted by the winning participant. Each winning entrant cooperates with the Promoter in all matters related to the receipt of the won prize. In the event that a winning Participant fails to fulfill its obligations related to this cooperation and thus prevents the acceptance of the won prize, these are considered circumstances for which the Organizer is not responsible.

2. The Promotion Organizer has the right not to award a prize to a participant who does not meet the conditions set forth in the Official Rules.

3. Entrants who do not comply with the Official Rules will be disqualified without further notice and forfeit any prize they may have won. In case of any abuses that can be used to influence the promotion, as well as in case of doubts about the commission of such, the Organizer has the right to disqualify the relevant participant without motivating or explaining the disqualification. Abuse is considered any action that changes the mechanism of participation in the promotion or increases the winning chances of a participant, outside of the conditions described in these Official Rules.


Article 16 The organizer has the unconditional and irrevocable right to terminate the promotion at any time, without owing any compensation or bearing any other responsibility to the participants, by announcing this on its website, in the following cases:

1. In the event of force majeure circumstances that prevent the correct conduct of the raffle according to the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions;

2. Upon initiation of inspections or initiation of administrative criminal proceedings in connection with the promotion by the CPC, CLP or CLP;

3. In the event of a change in the current legislation, which requires a change in the conditions for conducting the promotion, including a change or entry into force of changes in the legislation on the protection of personal data;

4. In other cases, when unilaterally deemed necessary or appropriate.

Article 17 Any person who needs additional clarifications on these General Terms and Conditions can submit an application to the following e-mail address of the organizer:

(2) The requested information in accordance with the preceding paragraph will be provided by Kalos Estates within 3 working days of receipt of the request by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address from which the e-mail for the requested information was sent. By sending an email from Kalos Estates to this email address containing a response to the requested information, that information is deemed to have been provided.

Kalos Estates Ltd. will not provide additional clarifications when the submitted application is for the provision of information contained in these General Terms and Conditions.

Article 18  The present General Terms and Conditions may be amended by Kalos Estates OOD if it is found necessary to clarify their clauses in their interpretation and application, as well as to bring them into line with regulatory provisions and regulatory changes.